2024 Götenburg Open Junior Games

Meet us at Göteborg Open Junior Games 22-24. Nov i Serneke Arena Kviberg. Chek out our new products. If you need to buy tires, tubes, lights, flags or other items let us know by mail/phone and we can bring it.…
Meet us at Göteborg Open Junior Games 22-24. Nov i Serneke Arena Kviberg. Chek out our new products. If you need to buy tires, tubes, lights, flags or other items let us know by mail/phone and we can bring it.…
Meet us at reha care dûsseldorf We are exhibition together with our dealer Offcar with our new My first Frame runner and Speed Runner in aluminum for the youngest user and for the competing user. Hall 6 Stand E20 Come…
For the Iberian island and the Canarias island, Rodem/Movilidad Activa is now our dealer. We are planning a selective presentations/workshops in Portugal and Spain in the days November 23-Dec. 1st., This is related to the IWAS games in Vila Real…
Vi har en stand på årets rehab messe d. 16.-18. november i Bella Centeret. Kom og mød os! Du kan prøve / se vores helt nye små Frame Runners i aluminium og X-strong Frame Runners til tungere brugere. Standen kommer…
We look forward to be “Partner of the Day” Wednesday when the first official RaceRunning WPA European championships is on. Come and meet us at the “Spectators Mile” at the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark im Herzen Pankows. IPC posted a note on this, Also…
By-Conniehansen is happy to announce our yearly International RaceRunning Camp in Denmark! The RaceRunner’s Camp & Cup in Copenhagen will this year be held in Denmark on 8th. -15th. July 2018. We will be at the Camp with our mechanics…
The Danish Sports Award show 2017 was a celebration for Para Sport in many formats. Mansoor and I deeply thank the Minister of Culture Affaires for the Para Sport Price in 2017 for recognizing our work to develop RaceRunning as…
A few days ago the World Para Athletics announced RaceRunning to be included as a discipline on their program! – leading to be on the Paralympic event list! It is a great achievement! Thanks to a great job by CPISRA…
In Sweden at Karolinska Sjykhus’ great Auditorium in Stocholm. A stage for presenting the Nobel price in medicine, eight RaceRunners greeted over 1300 guest from universities, hospitals and clinics from all around the world. A better meet and greet for…